HKUL > Digital Initiatives > HK Newspaper Clippings Online
Total number of hits is 322, and record(s) 1 to 20 are:  
1. $40m handout a worrying policy decision
2. 16 Professors Assess Crisis - no data
3. 1997 and Government Intervention in the Hong Kong Economy
4. '50pc higher living standards in next decade'
 Source:South China Morning Post
5. A consensus for Hong Kong's competition policy?
 Author:Leonard K. Cheng
 Source:HKCER Letters
6. Act for industry, Chen urges Govt
 Source:Hong Kong Standard
7. Adam Smith twisted to serve greed
 Source:Hong Kong Standard
8. Advantages of having a complaisant Govt
 Source:Hong Kong Standard
9. A free run for speculators
 Source:South China Morning Post
10. Aid plan to industry will be expanded
 Source:Hong Kong Standard
11. Aid policy for industry needs changing
 Source:South China Morning Post
12. Alarm bells sound over inflation
 Source:South China Morning Post
13. A less fervent apostle - Hongkong's new financial secretary continues 'positive non-interventionism' but admits to some worries
 Source:Far Eastern Economic Review
14. An echo from the past
 Source:South China Morning Post
15. Anti-dumping battle raises fund problem
 Source:South China Morning Post
16. A question of judicial integrity
 Source:Hong Kong Standard
17. A rap from the guiding hand
 Source:Far Eastern Economic Review
18. A reprieve from recession
 Source:Far Eastern Economic Review
19. A Veteran on U.S. Foreign Policy
20. Banking on integrity
 Source:Far Eastern Economic Review
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